PART 2: Making a Timeline
(Haven't read Part 1 yet? Catch up here)
First, let’s address a topic that we’re asked about all the time: The SAT vs. the ACT.
So here’s the deal: All colleges and universities accept both the SAT and the ACT. Some students opt to take both exams to figure out which one they prefer—however, we recommend that students focus their study time on one exam instead of dividing their energy between two exams (that are used for the same purpose!).
Another question we hear: When do I start studying?
For the SAT or ACT, students should begin studying no later than three months prior to their test date. Many students then opt for the SAT in March, or the ACT in February or April, and again in the fall (October or September, respectively). So juniors planning on taking the March 2010 SAT should get started soon. Students who want to be extra prepared for spring tests often begin with a light study load as early as September.
And how about the SAT Subject Tests (AKA the SAT II’s)?
Most students prefer 4-6 weeks of preparation before a SAT Subject Test. Since material on SAT Subject Tests aligns so closely with content taught in academic subjects, we recommend that students take the SAT II in May or June. As for which test to take, students are typically best served by taking the SAT II's that match their best subjects in school.
When planning out a timeline, remember to take into account all vacations (if studying will be on hold during them), and begin preparation earlier to accommodate the missed weeks. Consider also the schedules of sports and other activities that may hamper a student’s energy level and ability to devote time to test prep when planning things out. Finally, students often find it difficult to dedicate time to test prep while studying for final exams, so standardized tests should only coincide with final exams in the case of a Subject Test in the same subject as an exam being taken.
Here is a step-by-step guide to determining test dates:
1. Look at SAT and ACT schedules
2. Consider the schedules of vacations, extra-curricular activities, and final exams
3. Choose test dates
a. Count weeks backwards from the test dates to account for the time needed to prepare
b. Circle preparation start-dates
4. Begin exploring options for assistance (classes, SAT tutoring, self-study, etc!)
Good luck!
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