The college community offers a variety of activities, and as someone who likes to take advantage of every opportunity, it would be a shame if I let anything get in my way. As a collegiate athlete, it is often assumed that I don't have time to do anything except go to school, practice, eat, sleep, and play basketball. However, early on I learned that this did not have to be the case.
Looking back, effective time management has been one of the most important factors to my ability to participate in school, SAT tutoring, sports, work, and other activities in a successful manner. At first, the idea of balancing numerous obligations seemed overwhelming, and often appeared unachievable. However, I have come to realize that even the most hectic schedule can be simplified, just so long as one sticks to the pledge: "Be where you need to be when you need to be there."
In terms of school, sports, work, and other activities - here is what it's all about:
Knowing where you need to be and when you need to be there is half the battle. Staying organized is key. Whether you use a planner, agenda, or calendar, find a system that works best for you and stick with it!
In order to be prepared, you need to know what is expected of you. Be aware of assignments and deadlines and plan your approach in advance. I can’t compete on the basketball court if I haven't practiced my jump-shot, and a student can't succeed in the classroom if he/she hasn't studied for the test.
If you are showing up and you are prepared, you might as well do the work! Don't fail simply because you didn’t try. When I am in a basketball game, I play defense as best I can; likewise, when I am in study hall, I put all my effort into completing my homework.
Not only has effective time management enabled me to tame a hectic schedule, but it has given me the freedom to take advantage of opportunities that I may not have deemed feasible otherwise. Luckily, it works two-fold: not only am I available to do other things, but I am also set up for success ... and something tells me that this is a great tool that I will be able to use for the rest of my life.
By: Lisa Helmers, Office Manager, Launch Education
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