Getting into college seems like the end game for students. After thirteen years of school and private SAT tutoring, you finally “get in” somewhere, and it’s all over right? You did all the hard work, went through the stressful college application process, and now you are set for life and it’s easy from here…right? right???
Wrong. College is not the end, it is the beginning.
No matter if you got into your dream school or if you were forced to go to your safety school, what you do in college will matter just as much as the name on your diploma. Getting into college is just another door in life that opens, but it is up to you step through it and make the most of it. To that end, I have two main suggestions:
1) Get good grades in college. There is a huge misconception that your grades in college don’t matter. They do. Excellent grades can get you into the Honors’ program at your school, allow you to transfer to a better school, get you into a more impressive grad school, or land you a more exciting job when you graduate. The best part is that it is a lot easier to get good grades in college then it was in high school. If you show up to class, do the reading, and put in honest effort, good grades will come a lot more easily than they did in high school (because a lot of people in college don’t do these three things).
2) Get involved. College is an amazing opportunity to try out different extracurricular activities without the high school burden of having to look impressive for your college application. It is a great way to meet people, learn new things, and explore the person that you want to be for the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and join a new club or try a new activity.
Getting into college is a wonderful thing - make the most out of it!
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