As the weather changes and back-to-school ads creep up everywhere, the anticipation builds. Those seemingly endless days of summer are, well, coming to an end, and the onset of a new school year beckons. But back to school doesn’t have to mean back to old habits. A new school year marks a new beginning, a fresh start. So consider the slate wiped clean of last year’s mishaps, and start the year off right.
Here’s how.
Get organized. This means different things to different people, but the key is adopting a system (and maintaining it) that works for you. Try to find an efficient way to file school materials you’re currently using and to archive those that you’re done with but may need to refer to later. And use a calendar—be it on paper, on a whiteboard, or on the computer—in order to keep up with deadlines and better manage your time.
Get to bed at a reasonable hour. Staying up until 2:00am is all good and fun in the summertime, but you’ll regret when you wake up to a pop quiz in your first-period algebra class. Your academic performance greatly depends on how much snooze time you get, so be sure to set up a healthy sleep schedule (8-9 hours a night), and stick to it.
Get to work. This is the one time of the school year that you’re not behind on assignments and you don’t have any catching up to do. So take advantage, and keep it that way! If you get a homework assignment, do it. Don’t shove it at the bottom of your locker or use it to line your birdcage. We all know schoolwork can pile up quickly, and putting it off is a sure-fire way to end up overwhelmed and stressed out.
Get acquainted with your teachers. Introduce yourself, sit in front, ask questions—do what you can to show that you have a positive attitude toward school. Your teachers are the ones reading your papers, evaluating your homework, and grading your tests, and—let’s face it—they’re biased. Making a good impression on them paves the way to higher grades.
Get involved in school activities and SAT tutoring. If you’ve ever thought about pursuing an extracurricular interest, now’s the time to do it. Find out what clubs/teams/groups your school has to offer, sign up for try-outs, and give it a go! These activities are a great way to express yourself, and colleges love seeing them on your application.
Here’s to a successful 2010-2011 school year!
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