The season for acceptance, waitlist, and rejection is upon us.
It’s a funny feeling dealing with admission notifications. I remember when I was in high school struggling to understand concepts from my private SAT tutors and waiting to hear back from the list of colleges I had applied to –and even though all of my classmates were in the same position (waiting) I remember feeling once the letters (yes, I am old) started to roll in, like I had to deal with my feelings of excitement/devastation/uncertainty “all by myself.”
However, social media has expanded multi-fold since I was in 12th grade, and since then I have watched the number of people sharing their experience with admissions decisions go from mere school-hall-gossip to day-by-play blogs entries that detail every rejection, waitlist, and acceptance notification.
Recently, I have particularly moved by the New York Times’ series that follows six high school students as they blog about their journey through this pivotal time in their lives:
Cherry Creek High: Six Seniors Blog About Their College Quest
Although I am years removed from this particular waiting game, it seems like the more we share our experiences and thoughts, the more we feel like we are not alone: and based on reader response, it becomes more and more apparent that one student’s rejection is another’s acceptance – and that it all works out in the end. Hang in there!
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