Friday, June 11, 2010

Life and Music

I’ve always been told: “If you do well in school and attend SAT tutoring, you’ll get into a good college. If you graduate from college, you’ll get a good job. If you work hard at your job, you’ll move up and make a big difference or big money or both.” So here I am, on the path that so many of us are on, with my eye on the prize: this undefined thing that people call success. But the closer I get and the older I get, the more I realize that my life is not about this destination—whatever it may be—it’s about the journey.

I was recently reminded of this when I stumbled upon this video called “Life and Music,” in which renowned philosopher Alan Watts compares the pursuit of happiness to a musical composition.

So boys and girls, as you make your way through school, or any other part of your life-long musical production, make the best of it—listen to the music, and sing and dance along the way!


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