Sunday, May 29, 2011

Math Anxiety?

Of all the SAT tutoring or tutor requests I receive on a daily basis, the most common would definitely have to be the "I need a math tutor." In addition, the most widely used explanation for such a need would also have to be the "...because I'm just not good at math" reason, which is referenced as a description far more than I've ever heard for any other academic subject.

Sound familiar? Don't fret, you are not alone. "Math anxiety" has become so prevalent in academia that researchers have gone to work to suss out what is going on and how we, as educators, can help ameliorate the problem. Check it out!

Researchers Probe Math Anxiety


Unknown said...

Math is really one of the subjects that most kids are having a hard time at. A math tutor
can help students get over their "math anxiety" and become a math lover.

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